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Image by Rachel Cook

Heart to SERVE

2015 FPCC New Elder and Deacon Installation During Childrens Time.jpg

Our Beliefs

We believe that together we can do more. Our ministries provide something for everyone at any and every stage of life. Whether you have been attending our services for years, or you are new to First Presbyterian Church of Cody, we challenge you to get involved. 

Presbyterian churches are unique in that much of the work of the church is done through volunteerism within our many committees. The majority of our committees are known as a whole as Session. Committees are made up of Elders, members of the church, and anyone attending our church that wants to be on the committee. The Session is made up of those Elders and the pastor, who is also the moderator, or chairman. Presbyterian theology typically emphasizes the sovereignty of God, the authority of the Scriptures, and the necessity of grace through faith in Christ.

2020 FPCC Installation of New Elders and Deacons.jpg

If you are interested in learning more about our church and it's structure and beliefs we offer a New Members Class usually twice a year, depending on interest. Please call (307.587.2647) or email us ( if you are interested in taking this informative and interesting class! Below is our Organizational Chart. Click to view.



Kerry Murphy, Elder

Kathy Wormald
Mary Mellinger, Deacon

Roy Bruce, Member at Large

Sarah Thomas, Member at Large


President, Michael Thomas

Vice President, Dave Kewitt

Secretary, Betheny Nieters

Presbytery Rep., Lejean Mitchel (commissioner)

Treasurer: Quincy Sondeno


*Presbyterian Women

*Presbyterian Men


Moderator & Elders


Dave Kewitt (25)

Ray Leach (27)

*Building Maintenance
*Grounds Care & Upkeep

*Building Rent Arngmnts.
*Long Range Planning

*Van Maintenance

Innovation & Outreach

Betheny Nieters (26)
Brianne Phillips (27)

*Promotion of church activities to community'

*Create awareness amongst committee

*New member integration


*Evangelism efforts to community

*New member nurture

*Mission Programs



*Mission Education

*Visitor Letters


Michael Thomas (26)

Bret Reed (27)

*Receives and Acknowledges Memorials
*Memorial Subcommittee
*Preparation of Annual Budget

*Reviews Financial Conditions
*Financial Polices/Procedures
*Stewardship Drive & Education

*Counsels with head of staff on all personnel matters


Tyler Henry (25)

Jacque Nielsen (26)

*Children's Holiday Programs

*Church School




*New Member Class

*Seasonal Events

   -Palm Sunday Kids

*Mid-Week Program



   -Youth (Mission Trip)

*Small Groups



Cathy Aardema

*Communication with Session
*Connection to Presbytery
*Maintain Session Records and Correspondence

*Maintain Membership Records
*Update Bylaws and Administrative Manual
*Responsible for all formal communication by Session


Kerry Murphy (27)

Susan Cory (25)

*Wednesday Evening Meals

*Kitchen Supplies

*Fellowship Times

*Congregational Dinners

*Pictorial Directory



*Older Adult Ministries


Fred Hynek (25)

Jan Jones (26)

*Scheduling Communion
*Seasonal Services

*Sanctuary Supplies
*Aesthetics in Sanctuary

*Sunday Services


*Children's Worship

*Wedding/Funeral Policies



Mary Mellinger (26) - Moderator
Patty Brus (27)
Konnie Haman (27)

Mackenzie Scott (25)

Coletta Kewitt (25)

Jeff McWilliams (25)

Charisse Childress (26)

Julie Wilson (26)

Sue Consolo-Murphy (27)




*Prayer Line


   -communion servers


   -preparation of elements

   -notify servers

   -organize care for home-bound

*Special Services


*Individual requests for Aid Assistance

*Barnabas Program

*Cody Cupboard


*Chuck Wagon

Organizational Chart


Who, What, When, Where,

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How Presbyterian Churches are Organized...largely based on John Calvin's ideas.

The Session of First Presbyterian Church of Cody consists of a delegate from the Wyoming Presbytery (to moderate meetings), and the twelve Ruling Elders in active service. The Ruling Elders in active service are church members nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the congregation. Ruling Elders are representatives for the people of the church, active in various committees, and oversee all aspects of our church. All members of the Session are entitled to vote on issues presented to them.

They meet the third Wednesday of the month at 6pm in the parlor. (See chart of structure above.)

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Session meeting December 2021: Elders Michael Thomas, Dave Bensink, and Patty Brus.

Building & Grounds Committee

Building & Grounds

Who, What, When, Where,

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This is a very active and necessary committee being charge of the care of our big building and large grounds.

Building and Grounds Committee ensures that our building and grounds are safe, in good repair, are clean and in good appearance.


They meet once a month on the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm. 

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Old windows in Buswell Hall at top and new windows in Buswell Hall at bottom.

Congregational Life

Congregational Life

Christian Education

Who, What, When, Where,

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Activities they help immensely with include Camp Wapiti, the All-Church Camp, and Wednesday Night Meals.

Congregational Life, through providing fellowship activities on a regular basis, facilitates interaction among members and friends.


They meet once a month on the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm. 

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Nancy Horn helps Jack Leong prepare his s'more at Camp Wapiti.

Christian Education

Innovation & Mission

Who, What, When, Where,

2010 FPCC VBS Vieune and Erin.jpg

The C.E. Committee does their best to offer educational opportunities on Sundays for every age group.

The Christian Education Committee provides educational opportunities on a regular basis on Sundays and Wednesdays. These opportunities provide a great way to grow deeper in our faith as we get to know one another and who we are as the body of Christ.


They meet once a month on the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm. 

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Mary Burgin, Bonnie Capron, Jo Ann Rickell, Marilyn Montville, Bonnie Johnsey, and Mary Bingley.

Innovation, Mission & Outreach

Stewardship, Budget, Personnel

Who, What, When, Where,

2017 FPCC Bahamas Mission Trip David Reed VBS.jpg

This committee looks for ways to be God's hands and feet in our own community, as well as taking missions nationally and internationally.

Through contributions of time and finances, the Innovation Mission, and Outreach Committee physically and spiritually nurtures the family of God locally, regionally, and globally. 



They meet once a month on the second Wednesday of the month at 6pm. 

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2022: Innovation Committee's first event: Dinner and A Movie last May.

Stewardship, Budget, Personnel

Who, What, When, Where,

2022 FPCC Camp Wapiti Pastor Pat Cooks the Dogs.jpg

This is the hard working committee that crunches the numbers. They also help to oversee staff. 

How the church uses monies, the education of its members in the matter of stewardship, and the procurement and day-to-day interaction of its personnel are the venue of the Stewardship, Budget, and Personnel Committee.


The committee meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5:30 in the Treasurer's office. 

2011 FPCC CE Director Tammy Scott Directs All Church Picnic Slip and Slide.jpg

Previous Christian Education Director staff person Tammy Scott directs traffic on the slip-n-slide at an all church picnic.

Worship Committee

Worship Committee

Who, What, When, Where,

2022 FPCC Outdoor Worship Service Wendy Sings.jpg

Making worship relevant, meaningful, and engaging to a wide range of people of all ages and all kinds of church backgrounds.

Worship of God is central to the life of the church. The Worship Committee works with Pastor Pat to create a worship experience that meets the needs of our congregation.


The committee meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm. 

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Pastor Pat Montgomery prepares to baptize baby Cyrus Grover, son of Anna Reed and Chase Grover.

Deacon Board

Deacon Board

Who, What, When, Where,

2022 FPCC Deacons Light the Advent Candle.jpg

Some monthly missions of the Deacon Board include a once a month meal at Jubilee Ministries, preparing communion, and transporting Cody Cupboard items.

Deacons are the "servants" and "caregivers" of the congregation. Deacons show compassion, witness and serve, sharing the redeeming life of Jesus Christ to the sick, the lost, and the friendless. Their hearts, hands, and feet go out to those who have suffered loss, to neighbors in the hospital, to prisoners, to friends who have lost their jobs, to new parents who are confused by a wonderful, sudden, and challenging change in the responsibilities of life, to new members who need a word of welcome, to members who are shut-in and lonely and cannot leave their homes, to people in the community who have lost their way and can no longer have adequate places to live or enough to eat, and to any people who need to experience the love of Christ in concrete ways.


The Deacon Board meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm in the church parlor. 

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Deacons Janalyn Shultz, Karen Samuels, Bonnie Johnsey, and Sandi Yager help to prepare Thanksgiving Meals for DFS.

Presbyterian Women (PW)

Presbyterian Women

Who, What, When, Where,

2020 FPCC Scholarship from PW Heimer and Reed.jpg

The Presbyterian Women raise money to donate to local non-profits and offer a college scholarship to a high school senior or current college student.

Presbyterian Women (PW) meet monthly September through May for Bible study and fellowship.

Meetings are typically held in the church parlor on the second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 or 6:00pm. Additional meetings during the year include a Birthday Brunch in May, a summer picnic and a Christmas celebration. All women of the church are welcome to participate in PW activities.

PW fund raising events include the annual Fall Festival and a biennial garage sale that enable the PW to support a number of local non-profits, award a scholarship to a graduating senior or college student, and assist with various projects and programs of the First Presbyterian Church.


If you have questions or want to join please contact the church office: 307.587.2647 or 

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Presbyterian Women Carol Leach and daughter Cathy Aardema during the PW Christmas celebration (photo courtesy of Nancy Horn).

First Presbyterian Church of Cody 

2025 23rd Street

Cody, Wyoming

Phone: 307-587-2647

Fax: 307.587.9584

Church Office Hours: 

Tuesday through Friday, closed Mondays

8:30 am to 1:30 pm


Sunday Service: 

9:30 am to 10:30am (or thereabouts)

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