About Us

Our Beliefs
What is a Christian Church? Simply put, a Church is a group of people who have recognized that, in Jesus Christ, God has revealed a more excellent way for people to live. As a Church, we respond to God by forming a community of grateful people who attempt to live in obedience to God's way.
That's what we are here at First Presbyterian Church of Cody: a people who now live to serve our Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord... and to serve others in His name. We do that by Worship, Sunday School, Fellowship, ministries of compassion, and in many other ways.
We exist to enjoy the new life we have in our Lord and invite you to join us in serving Him too.

When is Service?
What's it Like?

Our Sunday worship service is at 9:30 am. The worship style is primarily traditional; we draw from long-standing worship traditions, yet the service includes traditional and contemporary Christian music.
Where Should I Park?

We have two parking lots available, as well as parking along the street. The south parking lot is the closest to the sanctuary
What do I wear?

You’ll see some people looking casual, others more dressed up —
from jeans to suits and dresses. Be comfortable, and know you're
always welcome!
What is there for kids?

There is a children's message in the Sunday Service. Our nursery is not staffed, but parents are welcome to use the nursery at any time during church. There is a livestream of the service available in the nursery
Hearing impaired?

We have listening devices available. Please let one of the greeters know of your need, and they will assist you.

FPCC Staff

In Search of...

Tim Schoessler
Accompanist & Choir Director

Deb Kousoulos
Financial Secretary

Kelley Bushnell
Office Administrator/Building Manager

Roy Bruce

Lara Hartman

Wendy Corr
Worship & Music Director

Darla Bruce